Museum of Fantastic Specimens
Gensou Hyouhon Hakubutsukan (Museum of Fantastic Specimens) is an online collection of creatures curated by Hajime Emoto. The three-story virtual museum consists of 10 rooms chock full of water- and land-dwelling monstrosities from all corners of the globe. Each specimen has a clickable thumbnail that links to additional photos and historical and background information (in Japanese).
All of the creatures showcased in the museum are sculpted from paper, modeling paste and bamboo and are completely imaginary, claims Emoto. It is truely an amazing collection of critters.
Navigating the virtual museum may be a bit difficult if you cannot read Japanese, so try the links below if you get lost.
Room1 Room2 Room3 Room4 Room5 Room6 Room7 Room8 Room9 Room10